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Comentarios: 179
  • #1

    andyenglish (jueves, 06 febrero 2014 18:40)


  • #2

    valentina medina mira (martes, 11 febrero 2014 15:36)

    valentina medina mira 9:3

  • #3

    laura muñeton-9,3 (martes, 11 febrero 2014 17:55)

    a profession we should put the movie the "dark side" in English, the movie is very good
    and if the page is as good..

  • #4

    ANDRES SALAZAR RENDON (martes, 11 febrero 2014 18:15)


  • #5

    yohana ortiz t. mira 9:3 (martes, 11 febrero 2014 18:21)


  • #6

    Juan David Hincapie (martes, 11 febrero 2014 21:48)

    ¡¡Buy your own domain!! LOL

  • #7

    ximena munera 9°3 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 12:42)

    I like the movie

  • #8

    Luis Mosquera: 9:3 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 12:59)

    Mr. teacher I really like this page I would like the other teachers had something

  • #9

    yudi andrea torres (9-4 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 13:26)

    i like the movie ..
    but there are more movies in English we can also see:
      Orange is the new black
    .... mm not many good films are in English

  • #10

    jonathan noreña :9-3 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 13:35)

    how long task teacher !!!

  • #11

    andrees paaez"" 9-3 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 14:54)

    teacher thanks for this page seems excellent

  • #12

    nini yohana nuñez 9*3 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 16:57)

    song and movie are not to my liking could see another movie and also hear another song in English? Or can not?

  • #13

    Marianela Serpa 9-4 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 16:59)

    I think it's a very good site as we have more fasildad and opportunity to learn more about the subject

  • #14

    Daniel Felipe Espitia 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 16:59)

    andres teacher seems very cool page in which I believe that through this we can learn, so much to write and pronounce the language

  • #15

    Daniel Felipe Espitia Durango 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 17:17)

    ANDRES on video snow white I found very good, where I believe the best part is when the stepmother of Snow White, jealous, ordered a hunter to kill Snow White in the forest and to ensure he demanded to bring him the heart of the girl. also keep in mind that the stepmother of Snow White uses three costumes to try to kill Snow White.

  • #16

    DAHIANA GONZALEZ 11-1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 17:32)

    andres ami personally I feel very good because there one can see what you do or did not do in that class or that you paid attention or did not go to classes thanks

  • #17

    daniela mejia agudelo 11º1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 17:46)

    teacher andres thanks for the ad I think is a very useful tool and can compile q topics covered in class as the snow banks film was very good and interesting

  • #18

    Yesica Andrea Puerta Campo 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 17:47)

    I think this blog is very helpful in order to understand all the topics covered in class also has interesting content.

  • #19

    Hilda Garces 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 17:48)

    profe think I understand more than in English class :) thanks

  • #20

    mariana muñoz 11-1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 17:53)

    andres the movie is super good and has very good special effects I like your page
    I hope we follow recommending more movies of this type thanks

  • #21

    susana Quintero_9-4 ♡ (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:09)

    Excellent Page Great Information And Content ★

  • #22

    Daniela Gomez Alvarez 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:18)

    This blog seems very interesting because through it we can acquire knowledge on what we will see in classes this year

  • #23

    luisa Fernanda Garcia Marulanda 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:29)

    Hi! teacher ,I believe that you page is very good,but my opinion is that the class have more fun and more exercise because we are need to learn.
    congratulation for the page

  • #24

    Carolina Alvarado 9-4 *.* (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:31)

    I really like the excellent site.
    teacher would like us to see us several movies in English as percy jackson and the sea of ​​monsters is very good.

  • #25

    Leidy Gómez Marín 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:32)

    Very good teacher that in this page we can find and revise several topics seen in class

  • #26

    Luisa Cruz 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:34)

    It looks like to me a great page where we can acquire many knowledge

  • #27

    edwar alejandro suaza ospina 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:42)

    I think this page is interesting and can serve very helpful as it provides information and steps to learn and improve our terrible English

  • #28

    Ana María García Marulanda 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 18:48)

    hi teacher and guys . my opinion is that this blog is excellent and here all learn ,and practice english together thank you for the attention.
    excuse me!! for my written i think that is bad

  • #29

    Carolina Gonzalez Zapata 10°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 19:15)

    Teacher my commentary is that this page is very good and here all learn a together english

  • #30

    María Isabel Pérez Pérez 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 19:17)

    Page, too many content and will help us to better learning about English.

  • #31

    Angie Paola Caro 11°1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 19:23)

    Hello teacher! This blog is very interesting.
    Thanks for all the knowledge that you shared with us

  • #32

    Karen Andrea Urrego 11-1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 19:52)

    hello teacher and all
    very good the page, because this interesting

  • #33

    Isabel Soto Rodriguez 9º4 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 20:22)

    this page is very good
    congratulations to teacher

  • #34

    Ana Maria Manyoma 9'3 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 20:37)


  • #35

    Manuela correa 10'1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 21:32)

    this page is interesting.
    (P.S: I hope my qualification) :p

  • #36

    Manuela correa 10'1 (miércoles, 12 febrero 2014 21:36)

    Lie! O.o

  • #37

    Mauricio Severiche 11º2 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 12:04)

    It is a page that can be very useful because it has many well explained content that could sevir eg for icfes

  • #38

    Yenni Carolina 10°1 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 13:18)

    Hello Professor!
    Mucho Gusto Me & Videos The Page Is Very Good, It Looks So Interesting For What Can We Learn More And What We Need Is Chao!

  • #39

    Anderson Duque 11º1 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 14:00)

    Good for this page, so like me you can comment on what you do or do not

  • #40

    sergio tilano 11*2 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 14:10)

    the page is interesting

  • #41

    Maria Elena Florez 11º1 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 14:43)

    Andrew thank you by create the page with a content for our interest.

  • #42

    Juan David Cartagena 10-1 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 14:56)

    Andres puts many tasks,This page is fun

  • #43

    Sandra vanesa villa villada 11*1 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 16:08)

    Andrew thanks for this page seems very interesting.

  • #44

    carlos daniel vanegas (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 16:19)

    this site is very good to learn english more easily

  • #45

    carlos daniel vanegas 9*4 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 16:22)

    sorry I was wrong

  • #46

    Santiago Román 10°3 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 18:05)

    Teacher Good page. :D

  • #47

    santiago alvaran 10-1 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 18:48)

    I loved the ad in all aspects

  • #48

    Andres barrera 11°1 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 19:23)

    the page is interesting

  • #49

    Juan Guillermo Villa Arenas 11*2 (jueves, 13 febrero 2014 19:32)

    teacher thanks for tis page is very cool.

  • #50

    angel david h. cardona 11°1 (viernes, 14 febrero 2014 15:29)

    andres seemed to me very good movie. thanks

  • #51

    carlos daniel muños 9`4 (viernes, 14 febrero 2014 18:06)

    I like the page
    but I would like to have interactive games

  • #52

    karen muñoz 9*3 (viernes, 14 febrero 2014 20:14)

    I liked the movie. Track no :)

  • #53

    MARIA ADELAIDA MONTES PEREZ 11º1 (viernes, 14 febrero 2014 21:17)


  • #54

    Camila Sierra 9*4 !! (sábado, 15 febrero 2014 09:21)

    hello teacher and I like knowing that we not only learn English in school hours if not also in a virtual site ... thank you very much, God bless! :D

  • #55

    ana maria villa 9*4 (sábado, 15 febrero 2014 15:21)

    I like the page is very good

  • #56

    Brallan Barrientos 10*1 (sábado, 15 febrero 2014 15:36)

    I think the product is very good, I like way too

  • #57

    Jessica Correa Munera (sábado, 15 febrero 2014 15:39)

    I like the page because we provide the form of homework

  • #58

    Jesica Correa Munera 10*1 (sábado, 15 febrero 2014 15:59)

    very good this page

  • #59

    karen muñoz 9*3 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 09:32)

    that song so boring

  • #60

    Stiven montoya 9*3 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 13:15)

    Very good page

  • #61

    esneyder flores 9*4 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 14:11)

    very good professor page because through it we can learn more things and tasks haser...:)

  • #62

    duvan andres moreno 9*4 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 14:16)

    this good page and has good content and themes

  • #63

    ximena bedoya londoño 10-1 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 14:59)

    I loved, and it's fun because we benefit much

  • #64

    sergio luis benavides 10.1 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 15:37)

    I felt good because it shows the best of the film

  • #65

    jesica paola torres 9º4 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 15:57)

    i like ad has much interesting content

  • #66

    katerine montoya restrepo 9*3 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 17:31)


  • #67

    Miguel Angel Gómez 10°1 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 18:35)

    I like much this page, but the tasks that they will put will not be equal

  • #68

    Diego Montes 10°2 (domingo, 16 febrero 2014 19:51)

    this good page, I would like to help us to improve and advance the issues of the course

  • #69

    julieth vasquez 9-4 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 14:09)

    I loved the page and I really like the movies

  • #70

    daily velasquez 11*1 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 15:49)

    Professor andre thanks for the page is very good for ahy can find everything we need to study grabbing more we appreciate

  • #71

    Cristian Osorio 10*2 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 16:17)

    The this very interesting page and stop putting tasks :D

  • #72

    Sara Ochoa 10°1 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 16:26)

    Teacher very good this one the page♥

  • #73

    david restrepo bolivar 11-1 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 16:39)

    I think the page that gave andrew. It is a very good tool. well we know what happens in the year

  • #74

    jennifer sierra 10º3 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 18:07)

    Teacher thanks for this site I really liked

  • #75

    melisa peña 10*2 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 18:30)


  • #76

    Cristel Melisa Aranda Cuadros 10 °1 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 19:16)

    I like much the page, I am interested in the readings and the videoes

  • #77

    omaira urbano 10*3 (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 19:26)

    Hello teacher, I really liked your site, this very well written.

  • #78

    leison cossio pino (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 19:39)

    Profe Andres Excellent Page Great Information And Content

  • #79

    perezcristina (lunes, 17 febrero 2014 19:43)

    laura cristina 10*3
    i like this page is just for the college and is good source to stop the tasks

  • #80

    Jeferson Betancur 10º3 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 04:45)

    Great site, full of lots of useful contents for the development of students...

  • #81

    Esteban Puerta 9*4 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 14:21)

    Excellent page great information and content,explains very well the content is a great page.

  • #82

    karen julieth zamarra 9/4 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 14:56)

    the site is veri good and educational graciat teacher by recomendation

  • #83

    jennyfer Garcia Rangel 11-1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 16:06)

    Hi Andres!!!
    That page Interesante tan, the truth Is No Mas Que Place In this Review. Te Quiero Mucho :*

  • #84

    lagarejo 10*2 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 16:11)

    Go on to professional singing music of wiz Khalifa jeej lapajina is good :)

  • #85

    yency natalia bustamante cortes 11-1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 16:15)

    Hello teacher!
    the site is good and interesting and I think that this can guide us with many things.

  • #86

    frank cordaba 9-4 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 16:46)

    good site, has very good videos that facilitates us to learn

  • #87

    marilin cardona rendon 10-1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 16:57)

    hello just wanted to say that the idea of the forum is good and more through the videos as they are good tool for easy learning
    that was all working well and hopefully we can continue to learn more

  • #88

    Sebastian Escobar 10-1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 17:46)

    i have liked the trailer for his big landscapes, but it was expecting to see more action.

  • #89

    ronaldo muñetones. 9-3 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 17:47)

    I like much this page. The best

  • #90

    isabela giraldo 10-1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 18:30)

    the page is good like me.....the movie is good but lacks more emotion

  • #91

    Miguel Andres Simanca (9-4 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 18:34)

    good site, has very good videos to learn better English and I understood several things thanks

  • #92

    yudi maldonado vanegas. 10°2 (martes, 18 febrero 2014)

    THANK YOU....

  • #93

    deicy daniela echavarria torres 11°1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 18:54)

    Andruuuuuu, very good this one his page, I like for that like that I do not have to listen to it so much only I enter here and list. It was your better idea thank you ........

  • #94

    walter esneider amaya cardona 11-1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 18:59)

    Andres, I like very much the page because there we can find all the seen topics and the necessary information, for a better development of the knowledge ....... chow ........

  • #95

    tatiana vasquez alzate 11-1 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 19:23)

    andres is very interesting and this is highly beneficial to all

  • #96

    Yilmar Rengifo Arrieta... (9*4) (martes, 18 febrero 2014 19:39)

    Hello teacher When We're doing it for the news

  • #97

    Ana Carina Arrieta..♥(9*4) (martes, 18 febrero 2014 19:51)

    Hello Teacher Much Likes The Page Hope's work with Much Effort..

  • #98

    mayerli andrea perez tangarife 11*2 (martes, 18 febrero 2014 19:53)


  • #99

    Juan Esteban Velasquez 10*3 (miércoles, 19 febrero 2014 16:43)

    Despite that this website is to place tasks :P. I find it very useful and interesting. It is mainly for helping us to improve our levels of English.

  • #100

    Andrea Montes 10º2 (miércoles, 19 febrero 2014)

    Hello page I really liked, because it helps us with the tasks, hopefully take advantage because it is very useful to know it

  • #101

    nini nuñez 9*3 (miércoles, 19 febrero 2014 17:41)

    teacher this is the song that I'm learning

  • #102

    Liz Dallana Giraldo 10º1 (miércoles, 19 febrero 2014 20:42)


  • #103

    marisela usuga campo 11*1 (jueves, 20 febrero 2014 12:52)

    good teacher day is important to perform dynamic q this Idima easier to learn

  • #104

    Jose manuel parra saldarriaga 10º2 (jueves, 20 febrero 2014 14:54)

    best teacher more about your explanations because sometimes it becomes very difficult sometimes I understand your issues that are otherwise all good fun etc.

  • #105

    nini nuñez 9*3 (viernes, 21 febrero 2014 10:58)

    Hoobastank - The Reason
    la cancion que me estoy aprendiendo

  • #106

    Luis angel londoño 10°2 (viernes, 21 febrero 2014 13:03)

    Professor, it seems to me the excellent page as it helps us to better understand the topics covered in class (if not soon we understand in the same class), it is a very effective method for that our programming is faster.

  • #107

    juan felipe rivera 9-4 (viernes, 21 febrero 2014 19:44)

    Hello Professor!
    Mucho Gusto Me & Videos The Page Is Very Good, It Looks So Interesting For What Can We Learn More And What We Need Is Chao!

  • #108

    sara ospina escobar 9-3 (sábado, 22 febrero 2014 12:01)


  • #109

    Andrea Montes 10-2 (sábado, 22 febrero 2014 13:26)

    Andrew get to sing this

  • #110

    luisa fda ochoa v (sábado, 22 febrero 2014 13:28)

    very interesting, I like

  • #111

    luisa ochoa 10*2 (sábado, 22 febrero 2014 13:30)

    very interesting, I like

  • #112

    juan gomez 10.1 (sábado, 22 febrero 2014 13:35)

    I like the trailer, because shows a lot of action

  • #113

    nini nuñez 9*3 (domingo, 23 febrero 2014 14:28)

    Hoobastank - The Reason the song I'm learning I
    I correct because I wrote the above in Spanish

  • #114

    manuela martinez munoz-10-1 (domingo, 23 febrero 2014 19:10)

    I loved it and hope to learn in this way

  • #115

    valeria gaviria 10°1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 15:13)

    very good page I hope to learn english ...

  • #116

    juan esteban rondon 9-4 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 15:23)

    good site, good videos and I would like to see one love ky-mani marley

  • #117

    natalia ospina 9-3 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 15:56)

    teacher is very good movie and the song also it is not my genre of music but is good to memorize ...

  • #118

    Alzate Ramos Ricardo Andres 10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 17:14)

    Your website and your classes are very interesting because you learn so much English and was super the video :D

  • #119

    marilin cardona rendon10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 17:53)

    hello ... regarding the video I mean that I have not liked much repeated on several occasions a scene but the rest of the video is good and the subtitles like, I think they are good guide for us (even though they were many to copy) but all good BYE

  • #120

    katerine florez 10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 18:03)

    this good and gives us a little.

  • #121

    Leidy Vanesa Guzman 10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 18:07)

    With this page we learn many new things :D

  • #122

    Leidy Yuliana Marin Usuga-10°2 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 18:09)

    Hello Teacher... for my this page is very good, Super interesting also me help in my learning and me seems much more easy this way of explain certain topic ¡¡ CONGRATULATIONS !! ;)

  • #123

    Leidy Vanesa Guzman 10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 18:15)

    With this page we learn many new things and I found very good video. Bye

  • #124

    sandy camila bravo 10°1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 18:29)

    I think it's a very cool page because this can learn better English

  • #125

    ximena bedoya londoño-10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 18:48)

    hello teacher the truth very good video I liked and also way too one learns there is a war between them never ending and that makes the best video I keep watching this kind of video

  • #126

    manuela martinez muñoz 10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 19:08)

    I found it good but a little bit translate maluco studying but I can

  • #127

    Tatiana montoya 9-3 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 19:38)

    !teacher¡ I like the page

  • #128

    Cristel Melisa Aranda Cuadros 10°1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 22:09)

    It seemed to me to be very good and interesting, the drama that was containing some battles that were appearing and the fantastic echos like it they are the witch and everything. In end I like me

  • #129

    Miguel Angel gomez Florez 10°1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 22:13)

    I like me the advance of the movie, one sees interesting and emotive.

  • #130

    santiago castañeda 10º1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 22:19)

    this platform, I really liked to comment and everything else. as the movie, I think it's good but much less drama and action.

  • #131

    nini nuñez 9*3 (martes, 25 febrero 2014 18:02)

    when we deliver the text?

  • #132

    Daniela Sepulveda 9º4 ♫ lml (martes, 25 febrero 2014 19:17)

    the page is very good, great content and information this can be very helpful for we the students.

    good proyect,continue whit the page!!

  • #133

    ximena bedoya londoño 10-1 (martes, 25 febrero 2014 19:34)

    teacher the story, I found very interesting for one to learn more english I want to keep putting these stories in the forum

  • #134

    jhoan alexis lopez 10-2 (martes, 25 febrero 2014 20:25)

    the product is the best because it gives us a lot of information

  • #135

    Edward Suarez Solano 9-4° (martes, 25 febrero 2014 21:08)

    Hi the page is very good . =D

  • #136

    wendy Dahiana Arango 11*1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 07:40)

    Andres nice page and I think a very good tool for all I thank you very much

  • #137

    Juliana Durango (9.4)* (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 12:41)

    Hello Teacher. I find it very interesting that this product is a good help for us students. I like that in the second period we saw several movies and activities in which all students can participate

  • #138

    Juliana Durango (9.4)* (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 12:49)

    profe me this ad parese very good for us students. good that the second period would see several movies and Asher activities in which all students participate

  • #139

    yohana vargas 10°3 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 18:07)

    I think this page is interesting and can be of great help, providing information and steps to learn and improve our quality to speak English

  • #140

    leidy yohana vanegas betancur 11*1 (jueves, 27 febrero 2014 13:45)

    I think the website is a good tool for our learning

  • #141

    mauricio montaño 10*2 (sábado, 01 marzo 2014 10:49)

    this page is fun

  • #142

    juan carlos henao 10°2 (robinho) (sábado, 01 marzo 2014 13:28)

    Very good page teacher that will grow (Y)

  • #143

    carlos martinez O 10*2 (sábado, 01 marzo 2014 13:45)

    teacher i liked the page

  • #144

    dayana ramirez 10*3 (domingo, 02 marzo 2014 15:24)

    teacher I really liked the page, there's a lot we can learn 3
    the content is very good and I learned more QE in class :)

  • #145

    alejandra suaza 10*3 (domingo, 02 marzo 2014 18:11)

    I liked the video because of the many things puder.
    the page is very interesting because it helps us to improve our learning

  • #146

    anyi rios 10*3 (domingo, 02 marzo 2014 18:16)

    I liked the video.
    The page shows a lot of information and content to our learning

  • #147

    Dahiana Andrea 9*3 (domingo, 02 marzo 2014 23:33)

    I do not like the song.

  • #148

    Jorge Luis Polo Gaviria 10*1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 14:40)

    I liked the video that teaches the pronunciation

  • #149

    Maria Cristina Lopez (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 15:56)

    hi, teacher i liked the video

  • #150

    sergio benavides 10*1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 20:17)

    I felt good because it shows the best of the film

  • #151

    paula olaya (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:37)

    i paresio very good page

  • #152

    alejandra tobon (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:41)

    teacher as vacana page

  • #153

    Harold Lonodoño 11*2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:43)


  • #154

    luisa ruiz (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:43)

    teacher was good the video
    he wants

  • #155

    nicolas paniagua (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:53)

    almost won the test, next it will win. Hello teacher makes the class something fun.

  • #156

    Paula Avendaño 11-2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:53)

    hello teacher, the blog has content that helps us a lot, thank you very much.

  • #157

    tatiana ramirez 11-2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:54)

    thank you very much for teaching us many things about which we do not even English dedication I know we are gradually learning to be better every day

  • #158

    CARLOS ANDRES MUÑOZ 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:55)

    I really like the excellent site.
    Professor, I would like isiera work more effective and less boring .....i.....

  • #159

    Andres Felipe Perezz 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:57)

    Me gusta como este sitio nos puede ayudar en la área de inglés para ampliar mas el conocimiento...

  • #160

    Cristian Ramos 11-2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:59)

    Learning English is easy.

  • #161

    nicolas 11-2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:00)

    I really like this video, the lyrics are very nice.

  • #162

    Andres obando 110*20 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:02)

    MUCH LIKE THIS PAGE! But I falta porno ...

  • #163

    Andres perezz 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:03)

    I like this site can help us in the area of English to expand more knowledge but despite everything missing more emotion

  • #164

    johan holguin 11/2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:04)

    page .... but I like having more exercises ....

  • #165

    yohan benitez 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:06)

    the movie, the plot, the characters is very well done, has good effects and that one entertains

  • #166

    Sebastian Holguin 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:08)

    It seems very good and important because of this video can learn many things for auditory and visual development of each one of us.

  • #167

    Nely Guerra 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:09)

    me parecio muy buena y muy interesante

  • #168

    Nely Guerra 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:10)

    I found very good and interesting

  • #169

    danilo esteban sanchez tabera 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014)


  • #170

    Duban Felipe Sepuloveda 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:15)

    the page is very well designed is very important for education in English and stand I'm variables that content and has good information

  • #171

    cristian andres roman rengifo (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:23)

    page is good because English is understood better and I think chevere

  • #172

    omardavidmartinez (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:54)

    lol que pagina tan buena xd

  • #173

    omardavidmartinez (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:55)

    lol that ad as good xd

  • #174

    leydy johana moreno villa 10-2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 12:09)

    this movie is very interesing because it tells the history classic of blanca nieves . I like everything movie

  • #175

    Duban Alexis Villa Castrillòn 11º1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 20:09)

    Hello andres this this brilliant and very well developed page seems to me to be brilliant the whole voki, the hour and all these indications you be that you cost a lot of work to prepare her for us, and the better thing is that it serves us very much for des to be slow of those days that we did not go and needed des to slow down Thank you Andres ;)

  • #176

    Juan David Rivera Correa 10º3 (miércoles, 05 marzo 2014 19:35)

    The page has an excellent interface ...
    Besides being full of important information for all of us learn English to a superb level.
    If you want I can help improve the website visually and systematically.
    Thanks for your time.

  • #177

    Cristina Cifuentes (miércoles, 05 marzo 2014 20:13)

    hello teacher, the page is very cool, and I love the song!! : D

  • #178

    Yesenia Vargas 11°1 (miércoles, 12 marzo 2014 22:03)

    Hello your site is super professional good is a very good tool to understand their challenges and reinforce the topics covered in class we do not understand.

    Thanks :)

  • #179

    yesenia londoño (sábado, 15 marzo 2014 16:26)

    this page is chevere i like